What a MASSIVE surprise/shock it was to find out in January that I was in fact pregnant!
Due to complications/operations on my cervix and other health issues I actually believed my chances of pregnancy were quite slim (also the fact majority of girls think they're infertile anyway for no reason - this I truly believed)
But to my absolute delight/shock/surprise/confused self when I decided to take a pregnancy test and the test came back positive, I remember my first thoughts were "omg labour, omg i'm not infertile, omg is this for real?"
The weirdest part of all is that I wasn't going to take a test... I had been feeling different and thought to myself "it's all in your head MegHan, it's too good to be true anyway" - My period was absolutely wack anyway, so at 8 days overdue I wasn't thinking anything - that night I decided to say my daily prayers to my brother in heaven, where this one night I asked him "Kevin, please give me some sort of sign that I'm on the right path in life that I'm meant to be on", and I fell to sleep like any normal night...
When I woke up the next day, something told me "take a test", so I got up and went to the chemist, decided to take the first test, looked at the little bar fill up, (the first line is the positive line, the second is the negative line - you need both to be positive).
... I watched it fill and the first line came up, so I set it down not thinking anything (DOH!), then thought to myself.....hold on? I picked it up again still sitting on the toilet #Lovely, and there it was... two bright positive lines!
I phoned my partner straight away due to complete shock, I didn't even know what was happening, I blurted it down the phone to him and his reaction was "really? oh my!" he was just as shocked as me after me telling him I felt pregnant and had been "feeling" pregnant for at least a week.
What I did next was quite simply due to shock.... *hands over face*
Most girls tell their mother first, right? Most girls wait to tell their parents, no? No.... not me! My dad has just come in from work... I threw my pregnancy stick at him (lovely) and he asked me "what is this?" I just looked at him... He soon gathered what it was, and just looked at me with a face I've never seen before... Then everything was fine once he spoke and told me the usual any parent would tell a child that had just found out they were pregnant, "It's fine, this happens all the time, can't believe I'm going to be a grandparent again" and that's when he started to smile!
So with my dad knowing I knew everything would be ok :) Next to tell was my mum, I have the video of where I told her somewhere in my phone... Her reaction was exactly what I thought it would be, 100% supportive from the word go! I'm very lucky to have such understanding supportive parents as I know not everyone is as easy going as this, especially their "baby" becoming pregnant, but they're my parents after all :)
Next: The first trimester and everything that comes with it!
That's the start of my pregnancy story complete, so I'm going to update regularly on my pregnancy journey... stay tuned :)